On January 29, 2009 (one year ago today!), President Barack Obama made the signing of the Ledbetter Act the first of his new Administration. During his 2010 State of the Union address, he reconfirmed the commitment to equal pay for equal work.
To celebrate both these critically important moments in time, songwriter Camille Bright-Smith, a 9to5 member who operates the site BloginSong, has written a Ledbetter musical tribute that you will want to share with your family, friends and colleagues.
Hear Camille Bright-Smith's triumphant, high-energy song, "Miss American Way," at (http://bloginsong.com/). It reminds us that there is no better time than now to speak out for legislation like the Paycheck Fairness Act that will move us toward closing the wage gap once and for all.
I just hope Obama follows through with all of the economic plans and proposals he discussed in his address.